Online Courses

Literacy Bundle 1


Take your time over 12 months to complete this suite of Lifelong Literacy flagship courses. Each course contains unique material and resources to help raise your capacity as an educator and wordsmith.

We have discounted the price of the courses for those who wish to keep them in reserve.

All you have to do:

Select this bundle.

Go to checkout.

Email [email protected] and tell us which course you’d like to start first. We will then enrol you.

You have 12 months to access all of the courses.

Take your time, save money, and enjoy!

Note: Prices are inclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST) for all Australian residents.

If Paying by Invoice

Please choose the invoice option and we will send you an invoice. To ensure your place, you will have seven days from invoice date to pay.

Key Topics

Suitable for

Included materials

Program format


We have special deals for schools wishing to have whole staff trained in this program.

If Paying by Invoice

Please choose the invoice option and we will send you an invoice. To ensure your place, you will have seven days from invoice date to pay.